Cropto Triticale Token (CROT) is a bridge between agricultural assets and the cryptocurrency world, democratizing access to agricultural investments for all. It represents the value of agricultural products across vast regions from Europe to Asia, enabling investors to benefit from the stable returns of the agricultural sector.
Cropto Triticale Token (CROT) represents 1 kg of triticale, giving tangible value to digital assets.
100% of the physical equivalents of Cropto Triticale Token (CROT) are stored in audited warehouses.
Cropto is a brand under AgriFintech Financial Technologies Inc., focusing on blockchain-based agricultural assets. The company was established to merge agriculture with blockchain, creating new products that add value to the evolving financial landscape. Leveraging expertise in both the agricultural sector and blockchain, AgriFintech aims to lead in the asset-backed crypto sector.
Cropto issues tokens representing key agricultural products like: Cropto Wheat Token (CROW), Cropto Barley Token (CROB), Cropto Corn Token (CROC) Cropto Hazelnut Token (CROF) and additional Cropto Tokens for other agricultural products like cotton, olive, rice, rye, soybean, oat etc. These tokens provide investors with direct exposure to valuable agricultural commodities.
The Cropto Tokens are a creation of AgriFintech Financial Technologies Inc. The company focuses on innovative projects that combine agriculture with blockchain technology, establishing a bridge between traditional assets and the digital economy.
AgriFintech initially sources and stores agricultural products in secure warehouses. Data on these products (such as location, type, and quantity) are then tokenized to create Cropto Tokens, which are offered to investors through licensed and secure exchanges.
Each type of Cropto Tokens like Cropto Wheat Token (CROW), Cropto Hazelnut Token (CROF), etc is backed by physical agricultural products stored in audited warehouses, ensuring stability and security.